The UW Architecture Professionals Advisory Council was established in 1995 and was created to strengthen the connection between the professional community and the architecture department.
The PAC was established to provide resources and guidance to the administration and students to bolster the management and leadership skills of the graduates of the program.
The PAC has since grown from a small handful of members to roughly thirty firms and individuals representing the best of Washington’s award winning architecture community.
- To provide feedback about the evolving realities of practice to the Department of Architecture.
- To act as a liaison between the Department of Architecture and the community of architectural practitioners.
- To act as a liaison between the Department of Architecture and other professionals’ advisory groups in the College of Built Environments.
- To provide recommendations and support for aspects of the department’s programs that build the professional merit of its graduates.
- To help students in the department better understand the professional practice of architecture and associated career paths.
- To help develop and maintain transitional programs, such as internships, that will assist graduates in developing their careers.
- To support continuing education for practicing architects in diverse career paths.
- To help the department access resources from the professional community for the benefit of its students.
Stephanie Farrell
Veronica Macalinao
Preston Mossing
Shanna Sukol, Department Liaison
Kris Feliciano
Brennan Kuhn
Nick McDaniel
Michelle Yates
Megan Zeien-Perez
Claudine Manio, Department Liaison
Jesse Chapman
Michael Henderson
Amal Moussa
Tyler Sprague, Department Liaison
Nonda Trimis
Nick McDaniel
Michael Henderson
Tyler Sprague, Department Liaison
Shannon Rowan

Upcoming Events & Initiatives
The Professionals Advisory Council sustains the connection of architectural education and the design workplace by supporting a range of interactive programs engaging practicing architects and design professionals with Department faculty, students and staff. These initiatives support the students and the department and are organized and managed by volunteers within the PAC membership.
47°N is a student-lead, PAC-supported initiative that highlights designers and design issues unique to Seattle and our region. The group organizes and sponsors interactive learning events and lectures throughout the academic year.
In recent years, events have included in-depth studies of the design processes within local Seattle architecture firms, as well as lectures by prominent local – and national – practitioners.
The PAC collaborates with the UW Capital Planning and Development to organize construction tours of projects on campus. The goal is to facilitate engagement between the students and practicing professionals while providing an opportunity to see and learn from the current innovative projects right in our neighborhood. This initiative is also an opportunity to comply with the College of Built Environment’s aspiration for cross-disciplinary collaboration both within the College and between PACs.
Early Feb Student applications due
Late March Firm Sign-up Priority Deadline
April Placements announced
June Internship begins (earliest date)
Sept Internship ends (latest date)
Beginning Summer 2011, UWArchPAC mounted a pilot program of paid internships in Seattle-area design offices, with the primary intention of offering an introduction to the design workplace to students completing the first year of the Department’s 3-year MArch program. Matching of eligible applicants with available workplace openings achieves student placements for 320-400 hours of employment. Generally following the guidelines of the National Council of Architect Registration Boards (NCARB) Experience Requirements directed toward architect licensing, workplace supervisors monitor and mentor interns, in liaison with and reporting students’ experience to a Department faculty advisor.
Participating firms vary widely, exposing the entire class to a broad range of practice models and specializations.
If you are interested in supporting the internship program please contact
Firm Profiles
These Seattle-area offices have employed one or more UW Architecture student interns in their design workplaces:
Ankrom Moisan, Bassetti Architects, Bohlin Cywinski Jackson, CallisonRTKL, Carbon Leadership Forum, Coates Design, Craft Architects, DLR Group, Donnally Architects, EHS Design, Environmental Works, Fathom Architecture, GGLO, Graham Baba, Hinthorne Mott, Integrated Design Lab, Integrus Architecture, JAS Design-Build, Johnston Architects, LMN Architects, Mahlum, Miller|Hull, Mithun, MG2, NBBJ, Olson Kundig Architects, Patano Studio, Perkins+Will, Rohleder Borges Architects, Schacht/Aslani, SHKS Architects, SRG Partnership Inc., Stephen Sullivan Designs, UW Capital Projects Office, VIA Architecture, Weber Thompson, Weinstein A+U, William Zimmerman Architects, ZGF Architects LLP
Throughout the year, the ArchPAC hosts a series of panel discussions featuring current topics that impact students as they leave the University and enter the profession. Local design professionals have the opportunity to engage students one-on-one and students leave each seminar better prepared to enter the world of architectural practice. Recent seminars topics have been Interviewing Skills, Portfolio Design, and an Emerging Professionals Roundtable.
The annual ArchPAC student charrette is a voluntary orientation event at the CBE to welcome incoming graduate and undergraduate students to the program and offer a chance to meet other students and collaborate with local and regional design professionals as they enter the program, this city and the campus.
The traditional format for the charrette typically includes between 60-80 graduate and undergraduate students and 15-20 design professionals, organized into small groups of 8-10. These groups address both a specific site and a larger urban framework design problem that involves collaboration with other teams and a representation of the findings after the half-day charrette concludes.
2025 design exCHANGE details will be posted soon!
design exCHANGE 2025 is the annual spring exhibition organized by the University of Washington Architecture Professionals Advisory Council (PAC). The exhibition showcases work on-the-boards in architecture offices around the Northwest.
If you have any questions, please reach out to the committee.
design exCHANGE 2025 Committee
Stephanie Farrell
Veronica Macalinao
Preston Mossing
Shanna Sukol
Design exCHANGE exhibit: 2025 design exCHANGE details will be posted soon!